Can the date picker be displayed on the cart drawer?

Yes, it can! We officially support cart drawers/popups from the free Shopify themes.

If you are using a custom theme, it might need some manual placement as they can be wildly different from one theme to another. We usually advise disabling the cart drawer so that customers have to go through the cart page and select the date and time slot. Please have a look at our documentation for more information.

If you have no other choice but to use the cart drawer in your custom theme, follow the steps in the article below to identify and set a manual selector:

Tested themes' cart drawers compatible with Buunto:

Dawn Expanse Refresh
Be yours Impact Ride
Broadcast Impulse Sense
Colorblock Motion Spotlight
Craft Origin Studio
Crave Pipeline Symmetry
Empire Prestige Taste
Enterprise Publisher Warehouse

In case the widget is not displayed after implementing the options above, please contact our support team at Our technical team will take a look to see if there is anything we can do.

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