How to use order limits

This feature allows limiting the number of orders per day or/and per time slot.

Daily order limits and Time slot order limits are to be defined independently. You can either use both at the same time or simply use one or the other.

Note: This feature does not work with Custom settings for now. It means you cannot set different order limits for products, time slots or collections. We are planning to introduce this option in the near future.

Daily order limits

To enable the order limits per day, navigate to Settings section and click on "Order limits".

You can then define the maximum number of orders for each day of the week. In the following example, the weekdays each have a maximum of 10 orders and the weekend days can have up to 20 orders.

When the maximum is reached for a day, the order is simply disabled in the date picker widget. For example, if there have been 10 orders with the chosen date Wednesday 12 October, then that date becomes unavailable on the date picker:

If you wish to leave some days without a limit then simply leave the field empty.

The "" symbol simply means there is no limit applied.

When the field is disabled, it means that this day of the week isn't available. So defining a limit is not applicable.

If it doesn't seem right, make sure that date is checked as an available date.

If you are using multiple delivery methods you will also be able to define different limits depending on the chosen method. To enable this option, click on "Provide different order limits per delivery method".

The following configuration will allow to receive up to 10 delivery orders on weekdays and 50 pickup orders, and up to 20 delivery orders and 50 pickup orders on weekend days.

Location order limits

To enable order limits (pickup) per location navigate to Settings section and click on "Order limits" and check the "Apply separate daily order limits to each pickup location" box.

In the case above, each location can have up to 10 orders. For the moment this can only be used on "Daily" order limits.

How can you set different limits for each location? You would need to create a Custom setting defined for each location (without product based filtering). Once the Custom settings are created, a dropdown arrow will show up in the order limits page for you to define different limit for the locations:

Keep in mind that the default setting would only limit the daily orders for each location but the Time slot order limits remain global.

In the Calendar view you can filter the orders per location so that you can have keep track of the orders you need to get ready:

Time slot order limits

To enable the order limits per day, navigate to Settings section and click on "Order limits".

In the following example, I have defined 3 time slots, and have given each of them a limit of 5 orders.

When the number of orders with the same selected date and time slot reaches 5, this time slot is then disabled from the dropdown.

For example, there have been 5 orders made with Wednesday 5 October and 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM selected. As a result, the time slot now appears disabled.

It's also possible to define a different limit per time slot. For this, check "Provide different order limits per time slot".

If you wish to leave a time slot without a limit then simply leave the field empty.

The "" symbol simply means there is no limit applied.

If you are using multiple delivery methods you will also be able to define different limits depending on the chosen method. To enable this option, click on  "Provide different order limits per delivery method".

The following configuration will allow to receive up to 5 delivery order per time slot and 20 pickup orders.

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