Language support

The Buunto Date Picker widget supports multiple languages simultaneously.


The list of languages supported are driven directly by your Shopify admin settings, under Store Languages. Once these have been set up, you are free to add customised message variations in the target language.

Once the languages are set up Shopify, we can then enable the feature in the Date Picker.

When enabled, you can optionally edit any messages viewed on the widget to target a specific language.

The language will automatically be displayed according to the URL created for your translated content that your users navigate to.

To find out more about Languages on Shopify in general, the official Shopify Help Center Language doc here provides some details:

Adding new languages to Shopify

To add a new language, please consult the Shopify doc here:

Once this step is completed, your admin settings will look similar to the example below.

Enabling multi-language support in the Date Picker

App installs after 9th January 2023

If you installed the Date Picker app after this date, multi-language support is enabled by default, and there is nothing for you to do.

App installs before 9th January 2023

For users that installed the app before this date, to accommodate for potential pre-existing custom behaviour, there will be the option to enable/disable the feature. It will be disabled by default.

From the Buunto Settings, navigate to the Texts and Languages tab. If the feature is disabled, you should see a toggle to turn on the feature. If it is not enabled, there will be a set of messages that you can maintain for the widget under the default language for your store:

Once enabled, the layout will change to a list of languages that are supported, together with the Shopify unpublished status for each language:  (don't forget to save your changes!)

Editing messages for a specific language

To edit, in the Language section, click on the Edit button adjacent to the desired language. The set of messages that you can maintain for the widget will then appear.

Previewing messages

The preview section automatically updates any message changes as you type.

Of note, the calendar will automatically display the convention specific to the target language.

To quickly view the widget in any of the enabled languages, select the desired option from the dropdown:

Language defaults

To help you get going as soon as possible, we have provided default messages for a number of popular languages on Shopify. They are all overridable, so feel free to change these if they aren't quite to your taste. The list of default languages (alongside their locales) are:

  • English (en)
  • French (fr)
  • Spanish (es)
  • German (de)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • Portuguese (pt)
  • Italian (it)
  • Danish (da)
  • Romanian (ro)
  • Swedish (sv)
  • Turkish (tr)

If you are a native speaker in one of the supported languages and notice that the default translations aren't quite right, please do reach out to support, and we can look into getting it changed for everyone!

Viewing the widget in different languages in the store

When you finally publish the Store Language in the Shopify admin settings, Shopify will allocate a special URL for it. The format is usually your default store URL with the locale appended, eg, for a French locale (fr) and default store url of , the French version of the store will transform to

Calendar locale and date tags

By default the calendar will automatically display the convention specific to the target language. For consistency, this also includes date displayed to the user in the cart. However, the tags that are stored against your order in your Shopify Orders section will be displayed in the locale specific to your own user preferences.

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