Automatic export to Google Calendar

This functionality allows you to automatically export your orders to Google Calendar. When an order is created and tagged with a date selected from Buunto, it creates an event in the calendar reflecting the chosen date, time slot, and pickup location name.

In the example above, a customer made an order selecting Tuesday, August 30 and the 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM time slot. The event is created in the calendar as soon as the order is made.

How to set up the automatic export

Step 1 - Authorise access to your calendars

In Buunto's settings area, navigate to the  Settings section.

Click Google Calendar Export

Then go to the Automatic export to Google Calendar card.

Click on Sign in with Google. This will redirect you to the Google authentication process.

Select the Google account where you want the events to be created. If you don't have a Google account you will need to create one to go further.

Once you selected a Google account, you'll be prompted with a summary of what Buunto will have access to. These permission are essentials to allow Buunto to automatically create events into one of your calendars. Please click on Allow.

After that, you'll be redirected back to Buunto's admin area. On the Home section, scroll down to the Automatic export to google calendar card.

Step 2 - Create a link with one or more of your calendars

Please click on Create new calendar link, this will open the following pop-up:

Google Calendar - This is the name of the calendar where the events will be created

Filter the orders - You can optionally filter the event so not all orders create an event. For example, you could set it up to only create events for certain collections or if the order contains a product having a specific tag.

You can create different links and filter out the events sent to each calendar to have one for each Collection, Product Tag, and Product Option.

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