How to disable the Express Checkout button

Why disable the Express Checkout button?

When there's an Express Checkout Button active on the store, it allows the customer to bypass the calendar and go straight to the checkout without selecting a date. 

If you've chosen to display our date/time slot picker on the cart page, the Express Checkout button (a.k.a. "Buy it now" button) will lead straight to the checkout, skipping the cart page. Therefore, your customers won't have the chance to select a date and time slot when using it. We suggest removing it to ensure that orders have a date selected.

If you've chosen to display our date/time slot picker on the product page, the product page may display a Dynamic Checkout button (for instance, the Shop Pay button). This may lead you to the checkout without selecting a date. For this, we advise enabling the "Error check compatibility mode" feature that will deactivate the buttons until a date/time is selected. To do so:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Widget design
  3. Error settings
    1. Enable "Error check compatibility mode"
  4. Save the changes

How to disable the Express Checkout button?

Disabling the Express Checkout is generally done from your theme's settings area, but it varies from one theme to another. You may need to contact your theme vendor if you can't find out how to do it.

For example on Debut (one of Shopify's most popular theme):

  • In your Shopify Admin, go on Online Store > Themes, then click on Customize;
  • On the theme editor, navigate to the product page;
  • Click on Product pages to see the option panel;

  • Unselect Show dynamic checkout button

  • Save your changes.

If you require any assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at We'll be happy to help.

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